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Avoiding the Morning Battles…Tips for Getting Your Kids Ready for Virtual Classes

Writer's picture: K-12 ClothingK-12 Clothing

Updated: May 26, 2023

So, you just woke up and realized that your child’s virtual classes start in five minutes. You rush to wake your child, give him or her cereal to eat, and they are ready. Sort of, he or she will be present in the class but half asleep. And you are likely stressed from the rushed experience. This isn’t the ideal way to get a day started. So what can help? Believe it or not, dressing up can help. Proper clothing can lead to success in every aspect of life.

Girl doing homework
Photo by K-12 Clothing

It helps you to be successful because getting dressed reminds you of the reason for wearing those clothes. That goal sticks in your brain, telling you the best approach to achieve your goal. In today’s world, many jobs have a dress code. For example, a doctor wears a white coat; this not only helps us to identify a doctor from the crowd, but it also helps the doctor to know that he is on duty. Similarly, getting dressed, especially in school spirit wear or school uniforms, reminds the student of their responsibilities and that they are in school to get some knowledge.

Think about it from your own perspective while getting ready for work. You go through a morning ritual in which you have a single goal: going to work. This has been proven successful — you have heard of dressing for success, and countless articles are touting the benefits. The same should be for your children. Instead of rushing them to school, create a process so their mind focuses on going to school to learn.

But what about the struggle? How do you avoid that? Here are some tips for streamlining your morning and getting your kids ready quickly.

  1. Set a consistent wake-up time. The wake-up time should give enough time for getting ready and eating breakfast. You know your child best and can see how long that will take. Remember that there will be some unexpected challenges some mornings, so build in time for these unpredictable moments.

  2. Set up a clothing guide for the week. This will make things easier for you and exciting for your kids. You can create something like this:

  • Monday — Professional Day. Dress in polos, a nice shirt or dress, or a school uniform. We want to start the week off prepared to learn. The goal is to set the tone that kids should be prepared to be attentive and educated, regardless of where they are in a real or virtual class.

  • Tuesday — Fun Day. Wear something fun. Show your personality and get creative. Showcase your artistic side because art is an important part of the school curriculum.

  • Wednesday — Free Day. Wednesday is hump day. Wear whatever you want so that you feel most comfortable learning. We are going to work hard today.

  • Thursday — Spirit Day. Round the corner of the week with a school rally day. Wear your favorite school spirit wear.

  • Friday — Casual Day. We put in lots of great effort all week, and we are preparing to mentally and physically rest and review over the weekend, to come back on Monday ready for the week’s challenge.

This schedule allows students to pick their own clothes and be comfortable and provides some structure. It is also a great schedule for PTAs or PTOs to follow for a spirit week.

Kid using computer in a virtual class
Kid Studying

However, if you decide to handle your child’s clothing, get them up and ready for school. You will see great benefits, and your child will feel better about learning. What do your kids wear to school that helps set the tone for learning? We would love to hear your ideas. Reach out to us below or on our Facebook page.

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